March 2023: Marco P. comes back as a PhD student
After his internship with us and after graduating from Erasmus MC, Marco Post joins again as a PhD student. He will continue his work on the protein engineering of Arch and GR. Welcome back!
March 2023: Jordan graduates cum laude
Our lab is proud to announce that Jordan has graduated cum laude! We are confident that she will continue to excel in her future endeavors. Congratulations, Jordan!
December 13th 2022: Marco's poster awarded "Honorable mention" at ImPhys Science day
Congratulations Marco!
November 1st 2022: Selina Teurlings joins the lab!
Selina will join as an experienced Biotechnician who will among others be in charge of our of cell culturing! Welcome!
October 10th and 11th 2022: find us at NWO Biophysics
Most of our group will participate to NWO Biophysics 2022 in Veldhoven, come say hi!
October 3rd: Huma says goodbye to the lab...
...and starts with a new, exciting position in Chemical Engineering as a project manager, still at TU Delft.
Our doors are always open for a tea or a chat, good luck!
Our doors are always open for a tea or a chat, good luck!
October 1st 2022: Laurens Engwegen joins the lab
Laurens joins the lab for his PhD in the context of a BIOlab position that we share with the lab of Wendelin Böhmer. He will work on integrating Machine learning approaches with voltage imaging data analysis. Welcome Laurens!
September 21st and 22nd 2022: Marco strikes again!
At NWO CHAINS 2022 Marco won his third poster award! He presented updated results and the jury decided he deserved the prize for the category "The element of surprise". Congratulations!
Sept 1st 2022: Lars van Roemburg, Alejandro Castañeda Garcia and Didier Duquesnoy join the lab
Lars will do his MEP on protein Evolution. We share Alejandro with the lab of Nergis Tömen as our first BIOlab AI PhD student. Alejandro will work on machine learning approaches to analyze GEVI data. Didier will join as labtechnician. Welcome all!
August/September 2022: Matteo and Jordan finish their work with us
We wish them the best for their Master's defenses and good luck for their future!
July 20th 2022: Polina, Thijn and Robin finish their BEPs
Congratulations to our Bachelor students who finished their final projects this month! We wish them the best of luck for their future and hope to see again them in the future!
July 7th 2022: Marco's nanoparticles at BioDay2022
We are happy to announce that Marco won another award for his poster about our plasmonic research at BioDay2022, organized by TU Delft. Also, we got inspired by the many contributions from all the participants who work close to us, figuratively and literally.
June 29th 2022: nomination for the Computable Awards
Our project about determining RNA sequence of cells got nominated for the best digital tranformation at the Computable Awards 2022. From July 4th on, the market will start voting. The public vote determines fifty percent of the winner. On October 5th the winners will be selected.
June 16th and 17th 2022: find us at Dutch Neuroscience Meeting
We will join Dutch Neuroscience Meeting 2022, where Vidya will give a talk about our work on expanding the GEVIs toolbox, and Marco, Xin and Zhenzhen will present their posters. Come to have a chat with us!
May 27th 2022: Bhavika finishes her internship with us
We thank Bhavika for her contribution to modeling proteins with Alphafold and we wish her good luck for her future!
May 25th 2022: Marco wins the poster award at NWO Life!
Marco's colorful and joyful poster about our plasmonic research won the 2nd prize, congratulations!
We celebrated with an home-made ice cream cake that Marco made himself to share the glory with all the lab mates!
We celebrated with an home-made ice cream cake that Marco made himself to share the glory with all the lab mates!
May 24th and 25th 2022: find us at NWO Life 2022
A delegation of the Brinks Lab will join NWO Life 2022 congress, where Marco and Zhenzhen will also present two posters. What a great occasion to learn more about our research! Our posters are, respectively, panels 507 and 514.
Drop by to say hi!
Drop by to say hi!
February/March 2022: Zehra Kaynak joins for an internship
Zehra Kaynak is joining us for two months to carry out her internship on neural progenitor cells (NPCs) analysis. Good luck!
December 1st 2021: Qiangrui Dong joins the lab!
Qiangrui Dong joins the lab as PhD student with a personal CSC grant! She will continue work on the Nanoscopic Optogenetics project! Congratulations and welcome!
October 1st 2021: Jordan Gotti joins the lab!
Jordan joins us from the University of Milano-Bicocca for her Master thesis to work with Zhenzhen on creating various expression patterns of voltage sensors in zebrafish. Welcome!
September 1st 2021: Sibasish and Polina wrap up their stay with us
They did great work on photocycle modeling and image analysis respectively, and we wish them good luck in their continued education!
July 20th 2021: Thieme defends his MSc Thesis!
With great success! Congratulations! He will finish up an internship before his graduation but is looking forward to a continued career in science!
July 10th 2021: Justin moves on
Justin stayed with our lab through corona to help us out with image analysis, but is continuing to the cognitive neuroscience master in Maastricht. We wish him all the best!
July 7th 2021: Fabiola Marques Trujillo, Niek Rijnders, Max Suurland, Florine Buitenhuijs, Hugo Nusselder and Hilke Schenkel graduate as BSc
Niek obtained his BSc in Applied Physics, and Fabiola, Max, Florine, Hugo and Hilke in Nanobiology. Congratulations all!
July 1st 2021: Sibasish Mishra and Polina Kostina join our lab over the summer
March 1st 2021: Niek Rijnders and Ian Bot join the lab!
Niek will work on his Applied Physics BEP under supervision of Marco, modeling rhodopsin photophysics; Ian is joining the lab as an assistant technician, helping Huma and Apilena in the Biolab and fish facility. Welcome!
February 1st 2021: Florine Buijtenhuis, Hugo Nusselder, Max Suurland and Hilke Schenkel join the lab
They will be working on their Nanobiology Bachelor End Projects with us. Florine will help Xin setting up an in vivo experiment together with the lab of Gao Zhenyu at Erasmus MC, Hugo will expand on Max Capelle's simulation work and model neural activity in a large network of cells, Max will join our AI team and see if he can predict stimulated activity in model cells and Hilke will link segmented videos of model cells to biophysical models of electrical activity. Welcome all!
December 9th 2020: Martijn Graduates!
Martijn Finished his Master End Project in the lab. His work will be used in our data-acquisition and data-analysis for many years to come! He has decided to continue his career at hybridDSP and we wish him all the best!
October 14th 2020: Apilena Sapioper, Fabiola Marques Trujillo and Delizzia Mossel join the lab
Apilena joins us in addition to her work in the Biotechnology department and will help Huma in managing our expanded biolab needs. Fabiola joins us from the nanobiology Bachelor and will work with Zhenzhen and Vidya on the creation of some tailored voltage sensors. Delizzia joins us from the Hogeschool utrecht for her graduation and will work with Vidya on mutated heliorhodopsins. Welcome all!
October 5th 2020: Dutch Biophysics
The newest results of the lab were presented at Dutch Biophysics!
September 30th 2020: Max Graduates!
Max Finished his Master End Project in the lab. He will continue his scientific career with a PhD in the lab of Armin Bahl in the neurobiology department of the University of Konstanz and the Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior! We wish him all the best for his PhD and are looking forward to continued collaboration! Auf Wiedersehn!
September 16th 2020: Leonie moves on
Leonie has accepted a new job at the zelfstandig bestuursorgaan Centrale Commissie Dierproeven. We thank her for her commitment to the lab in her time with us and wish her all the best in her future career!
September 1st 2020: Zhenzhen Wu joins the lab
After a long Covid-caused delay, Zhenzhen safely made the crossing from Shanghai and today officially joins the lab as a PhD student! She comes to us from the lab of Ning Zhou at ShanghaiTech and brings a wealh of experience in behavioral experiments. She will work with us on applying voltage imaging in neurodevelopment. Welcome Zhenzhen!
September 1st 2020: Thieme Schmidt joins the lab
Thieme is joining us for his Nanobiology Master End Project. He will work with Marco on practical implementations of voltage nanoscopy. Welcome Thieme!
August 1st 2020: Lab expansion!
The ERC and an influx of people meant that we needed more space. Today we inaugurated two new wetlabs! Let the cloning, tissue culturing and behavioral experiments... continue with a lot more space to do so!
July 30th 2020: Hina Graduates!
Hina finished her Master End Project in the lab. We wish her the best in her further career!
June 15 2020: Vidhi Sehrawat joins the lab (remotely)
Vidhi was going to join us for a summer internship but unfortunately Covid restrictions torpedoed that. She is now joining our lab remotely from Université Paris-Saclay, and will work on a theoretical investigation of heliorhodopsin photophysics.
May 6th 2020: Nidas Brandsma joins the lab
Nidas joins us as an Applied physics Bachelor. He will work on modeling randomized plasmonic nanostars.
March 1st 2020: Justin Priest joins the lab
Justin joins us for his Nanobiology BEP. He will work on integrating
measured neural morphologies with our computational models. Welcome!
February 4th 2020: Marco Locarno rejoins the lab.
Marco finished his Master's with flying colors, took some time to say goodbye to Genoa and decided to rejoin our lab as a PhD student! He will work on an exploration of the photophysics of archaerhodopsins under nonlinear excitation. Welcome back Marco!
February 1st 2020: Gerben Timmer, Mels Jagt, and Izak de Heer join the lab
Gerben joins the lab from the Applied physics Bachelor. He will work with Max on modeling synaptic transmission. Mels and Izak join us from the Nanobiology programme. Mels will work with Vidya on our investigations of Heliorhodopsin and Izak will work with Xin on the mathematical and code bases for the automation of some of our interfaces for interacting with cells (translation, turning our microscope into a robot). Welcome all!
January 27 2020: Martijn Eppenga joins the lab.
Martijn Eppenga joins the lab after a year in the Forze Hydrogen
Electric Racing dream team! He will explore the possibilities of machine
learning in the context of our protein evolution projects.
January 1st 2020: Max Capelle joins the lab.
Max Capelle joins the lab for his Master end project. He will work together with our colleagues at Erasmus MC on a theoretical framework to model neural activity. Welcome Max!
October 1st 2019: Sabine Jonkman joins the lab.
She will work with Hina on Archaerhodopsin photophysics for her Bachelor end project. Welcome!
September 1st 2019: Douwe van der Heijden and Hina Vuijk join the lab.
Hina will do her Master thesis on nonlinear excitation of Archaedrhodopsins and Douwe will work with Xin on setup automation for his bachelor end project. Welcome both!
August 15 2019: Huma Safdar joins the lab
She'll bring her article 9 and cell culturing expertise while Leonie is with pregnancy leave. Welcome Huma!
April 23rd 2019: Cees van Vledder joins the lab.
He will do his Bachelor End Project on spectroscopy of membrane proteins. Welcome!
March 28 2019: Paulina Gasecka moves to Marseille.
she will continue her career at the Institut Fresnel. We wish her the very best!
February 11 2019: Sebbe and Bryan join the lab.
Sebbe Blokhuizen and Bryan Lusse have joined our lab for their Bachelor End Project for Nanobiology. Sebbe will work with Marco on numberical simulations of field enhancements on some interesting nanoparticles. Bryan will work with Vidya on our fluorescence lifetime-encoded absolute voltage imaging project. Welcome both!
January 11 2019: Marco Locarno joins the lab.
Marco Locarno joins our lab as an Erasmus+ Student from the University of Genoa. He will be working on the theoretical foundations of nanoscopic Voltage imaging. Welcome Marco!
September 2018: Lex and Duran join the lab.
Lex Huismans and Duran Açikel have joined the lab for their Bachelor End Projects. Lex will work on setting up our data-acquisition in python, and optimize our real time data- and image processing. Duran will set up our patch clamp system for electrophysiology. Welcome both!
July 15 2018: Xin Meng joins the lab.
Xin Meng joins our lab as a PhD student from Jiangnan University. With a physics and optical engineering background he'll work on developing new imaging methods in our lab. Welcome Xin!
July 13 2018: Teun and Gréta finish their stay with us.
April 3 2018: Srividya Ganapathy joins the lab.
Srividya Ganapathy joins the lab as a postdoc from Leiden University! She brings experience with rhodopsin photocycles and lots of fresh ideas on protein sensors. Welcome Vidya!
February 12 2018: Teun Huijben joins the lab.
Teun Huijben joins us from the Nanobiology program for his internship. He will work on the design and creation of a two-photon microscope for our voltage imaging experiments. Welcome Teun!
February 1 2018: Gréta Szabó joins the lab.
Gréta Szabó joins our lab from TU Berlin for her Master thesis project. She will work on the investigation of the photocycle dynamics of proteins, relevant for optogenetic applications, with temporally structured illumination. Welcome Gréta!
October 1 2017: Paulina Gąsecka joins the lab.
Paulina Gąsecka joins our lab as a postdoc from Institut Fresnel in Marseille! With experience in biotechnology and two-photon microscopy, she will set up the first screening and imaging experiments in the lab. Paulina has a joint appointment with the Chien lab at Erasmus MC. Welcome Paulina!
August 1 2017: Leonie Gouweleeuw joins the lab.
Leonie Gouweleeuw is our first general biotechnician. She brings extensive experience to the shared role of general lab technician / tissue culture expert / zebrafish wrangler. She will work both for us and the Carroll lab. Welcome to the team, Leonie!
June 28 2017: Lab renovations are progressing.
June 22 2017: Applied Science day at the TU Delft.
Collaboration was the key word, with many interesting projects highlighted from our own department (Non-invasive blood flow measurements by Nandini, zebrafish neuroscience by Elizabeth) and our colleagues from Bionanoscience, Quantum Nanoscience and Chemical Engineering among others.
June 19 2017: Dr. Miao-Ping Chien arrives at Erasmus University MC!
Our close collaborator Dr. Miao-Ping Chien has started her lab at Erasmus University MC! She will use Optical, Chemical and Computational methods to investigate cancer biology and tumorigenesis at the single cell level. We're very happy to have her so close and we're looking forward to many collaborations in the future! All the best with your new lab, Miao!
June 12 2017: Construction on the labs has started!
That is, breaking down of the old labs has started! By the end of July there will be three lovely optical rooms, a biochemistry lab, a tissue culture room and a surgery room for us to play in! If you're interested in making your mark on a new lab, and getting some experience for when you're starting one yourself, now's the time to join!
June 3 2017: Jacob Hoogenboom, we meet again!

After sharing an office in ICFO for about a year, Jacob and Daan reunite in the Imaging Physics department in Delft, where Jacob does fascinating work on simultaneous optical and electron microscopy! Here's to future collaborations!
June 1 2017: Daan Arrives at TU Delft.
An office next to Elizabeth Carroll, no longer the junior member in the Department! Elizabeth will work with Zebrafish. Looking forward to many fruitful collaborations!